The PPG Moonwalk is an automated paint mixing system that is designed to reduce material waste, save the painter time in mixing and cleanup, and maximize profitability for the body shop. Moonwalk uses the PPG Envirobase High Performance waterborne paint system to provide an exceptional eco-friendly paint finish.
Prior to Moonwalk, paint mixing was done by hand at an accuracy of a tenth of an ounce on a mixing scale. The Moonwalk takes this accuracy even further by mixing to the hundredth of an ounce while completely eliminating human error in the process. While the Moonwalk completes a mixing job, the painter is able to spend more time in the paint booth, generating around 1-2 hours of labor savings to the body shop per day.
Additional material savings are produced by having the bottles sit upside down. Less than 1% of the paint remains in the bottle when it is disposed. No additional cleanup is necessary as the Moonwalk system keeps everything mess free.
The Moonwalk has been a game changer for automotive painters as it gives them the freedom to spend more time doing what they’re passionate about- painting! This is why we have seen Collision Repair Centers using the Moonwalk as a recruitment tool when hiring.
This automated and inventive technology yields material and labor savings to the body shop. And it’s not just the body shop that benefits from the faster repair time- the vehicle owner can get back on the road sooner.
Hear how the Moonwalk is making a difference for a local body shop!

Self-contained solution: everything you need in one place
- Compact split cabinet solution (2+1m), just 1 single power plug
- 80 storage spaces for toners + 13 positions in dispensing rack
- 1 scale + Touchscreen computer + Label printer + RAPIDMATCH™ XI and PPG Digimatch™ spectrophotometer
Bottle scanning system: the error-proof solution
- Barcode scanner: each toner is verified before the dispensing to ensure the correct bottle has been loaded.
- Enables the user to load bottles in any sequence
Semi-automatic dispenser: how it works?
- PaintManagerXI: Displays Formula
- User: Load products in dispensing rack
- MoonWalk: Check products with barcode
- MoonWalk: Dispense the amount automatically
- MoonWalk: Communicate results to PaintManager XI

Dispensing group: the heart of the machine
- 80+ toners have a dedicated pumping group, designed to fit PPG standard bottles only
- Include all the dispensing components
Dispensing rack: a “Ready-to-Spray” mix in one click
- 13 positions: 10 toners + 1 additive + 1 thinner + 1 free
- Rack to be loaded before and locked during dispensing
- Easy to clean components, drop catchers.
Ultra-precise moving scale: simple and effective solution
- 01 gr precision 2.2 Kg scale, 10 times more precise than standard scale
- Scale rack moves under each dispensing group and activates the pump
- 1 motor for valve opening and closing + 1 motor for activating the pump

Fully integrated with existing PPG digital ecoSystem
- PAINTMANAGER®XI software, PPG COLLISION SERVICES® software, and MoonWalkSmart Software integrated with RapidMatch XI and PPG DIGIMATCH™ spectrophotometers
- Additionally: Vantage Point connection + Customer Data Utilization + Teleservice from PPG & from COROB, PPG Collision ServicesAnalytics, KPI’s and ultimately automatic replenishment
Smart on-board software

- Intuitive user interface to minimize user interaction
- Smart use, multiple options: simple default modes for basic users or highly flexible and configurable for advanced users
- Auto adaptive toner calibration, warning on bottle levels
- Smart software enables re-use of loaded bottles
- Receive formulas from & communicate results to PaintManager XI